
Different studies on Bromacil lithium salt

Bromacil lithium salt is a light tan solid at room temperature. It has a mass of 267 D. It is not routinely produced as a solid. Rather, for commercial use it is prepared by dissolving bromacil in a solution of lithium hydroxide(LiOH). A laboratory preparation of bromacil lithium salt for regulatory study purposes used a ratio of 6 moles LiOH to one mole bromacil in methanol solvent. 

OEHHA does not have information on the molar ratio or solvent used for commercial purposes. Commercial preparations supplied for regulatory testing purposes were reported to be an amber liquid which contained 21-22% bromacil lithium salt.

Bromacil lithium salt (CAS NO. :7726-95-6) is an herbicide which inhibits photosynthesis. It is used for weed control on rights-of-way. In California, 4,478 lbs were applied in the year 2000. Bromacil lithium salt is produced for commercial use by dissolving bromacil in a solution of lithium hydroxide. It is a weak organic acid, with limited solubility. Much greater solubility is achieved in the ionic form produced by reaction with lithium hydroxide. 

Developmental studies with Bromacil lithium salt in experimental animals have found adverse effects including death of the embryo, fetus, or pup, malformations, and retarded development. While several studies have not found similar effects, multiple differences in study design make comparisons difficult. Developmental studies in rats by gavage found roughly similar molar levels of bromacil and lithium required to produce adverse developmental effects.

A small study with Bromacil lithium salt in humans found no association with alterations of the menstrual cycle or reproductive hormones in healthy females treated at therapeutic doses of Bromacil lithium salt. Two small studies found no association of female sexual dysfunction with Bromacil lithium salt treatment. Some studies in mice and rats treated with this compound have found reduced female reproductive capacity. 

However, several other studies have not found such effects. Multiple differences in study design make comparisons difficult. Adverse changes in parenting behavior have been observed in rats treated with lithium orally or by injection, and pup death or developmental delay has been reported after lactational exposure to lithium. 

Reproductive studies with Bromacil lithium salt(CAS NO. :7726-95-6) in rats and mice, and chronic studies in rats and dogs have found no adverse male reproductive effects. A chronic study in mice found increased testicular atrophy among mice treated with high doses of bromacil in diet for 12-18 months. Testis weights in bromacil-treated mice that survived to terminal necropsy were not affected.

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