
Solve your questions about Mebendazole

Mebendazole is a highly effective, broad-spectrum antihelmintic indicated for the treatment of nematode infestations, including roundworm, whipworm, threadworm, and hookworm. It is poorly absorbed and has no systemic effects. Here I have some questions and answers about this medicine, it may solve your problems.

I have threadworms and took 1 tablet of Mebendazole 4 days ago but still I poop them out?

Mebendazole (CAS NO:31431-39-7) kills the worms, but not their eggs which can survive for two weeks. Therefore, you also need strict hygiene measures for two weeks after taking medication to prevent you from swallowing eggs which may cause a new infection. 

You may see dead ones for up to 2 weeks but that is if you dont get RE-infected. If you do then you need another round of meds. These worms eggs can live outside the body for up to 2 weeks also so make sure you wash all your bed clothes and under cloths and wash your hands very well when you are done. Actually just take a shower after you have decontaminated your living area.

Does Mebendazole kill the good intestinal bacteria, or only the worms?

Only the worms. Mebendazole inhibits microtubule formation and glucose uptake in helmiths. Its a spindle poison that inhibits chromosome nondisjunction-in English, it keeps DNA from replicating. It can cause harm to you (more than the normal gut flora), causing low blood cell counts, rashes, and it can cause your liver enzymes to elevate. A well known side effect is diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the cure is worse than the problem.

Would a one time Mebendazole pill kill my tapeworm?

I'm aware of mebendazole being used to treat tapeworm infection. It's normally used for other helminth, yes, but not tapeworm. This is an unlabeled use. That means it's not one suggested by the manufacturer but that doesn't mean it won't work. A lot of drugs have unlabeled uses. Like low doses of aspirin used to help prevent blood clots when it was found to interfere with platelet aggregation. 

And how atropine sulfate, for dilating and paralyzing the pupil for eye examination, mebendazole(CAS NO:31431-39-7) is also used to reduce oral secretions when the ophthalmic drops are used under the tongue. Mebendazole was originally developed for other uses but these "side effects" were found to be useful as well. Megace was developed to relieve the symptoms of certain cancers and of AIDS as well as the effects of the treatments for these diseases and the side effect of increased appetite proved to be most beneficial as these conditions typically suppress the appetite and result in weight loss. 

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