
How to evaluate Diosmin?

Diosmin is a semisynthetic drug (modified hesperidin), a member of the flavonoid family. It is an oral phlebotropic drug used in the treatment of venous disease, i.e., chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and hemorrhoidal disease (HD), in acute or chronic hemorrhoids, in place of rubber-band ligation, in combination with fiber supplement, or as an adjuvant therapy to hemorrhoidectomy, in order to reduce secondary bleeding. 

To control internal symptoms of hemorrhoids (piles), Diosmin(CAS NO.: 520-27-4) is used with hesperidin.This medication is a semisynthetic phlebotropic, prescribed for hemorrhoids along with hesperidin. It is also used as an adjuvant therapy to hemorrhoidectomy, in order to reduce secondary bleeding.

Clinical studies have been inconclusive and no review articles on its use in vascular disease have been published. Diosmin is currently a prescription medication in some European countries, and is sold as a nutritional supplement in the United States and the rest of Europe.

Diosmin has been found to be effective in mitigating hyperglycemia in diabetic rats. It is also speculated that diosmin might have potential in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, and its anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activity has been demonstrated in neuronal cells, in vitro.

Diosmin is a natural ingredient found in plants. The active ingredient in Diosmin is known as Flavanoid. Flavanoids are blood thinner so it should be with caution and doctor’s approval that you take this supplement. In many countries it is only available through prescription, but the FDA has only allowed it to be sold as an herbal supplement. It also has not put any restrictions on this supplement as there has not been solid evidence to show it to be grossly harmful to ones health.

Diosmin is available as a nutritional supplement and does not require a prescription in the United States. It has been also used as an effective treatment for vein issues in Europe for more than 30 years.

But Diosmin may have very serious side effects when taken with other medications and supplements. It does not assist in weight loss, which is an underlining condition to many vein issues. It has not been proven safe , but also has not been taken off the market in the United States as it is not considered extremely dangerous.

Diosmin is a flavanoid that can help reverse and heal veins. This is a blood thinner that has been used in the treatment of various vein disorders for years in Europe. It is only available through prescription in some countries but in the United States it can be found sold in nutritional and health food stores.

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