
Is Diosmin safe?

Diosmin is a supplement that is used to treat varicose veins and other vein related issues. It is basically a natural blood thinner. It not only thins the blood but also helps protect the veins from being damaged. 

Since Diosmin is a blood thinner it is important to consult a physician before talking Diosmin and also before any medical procedures. It is important to inform your physician of any thing you take whether it is through prescription or through over the counter treatments and supplements. It is a perfect example of this, as a patient would have to be off this product for a period of time before any procedure due to possible blood loss. 

The United States has allowed Diosmin(CAS NO.:520-27-4) to be sold without a prescription as an herbal supplement. The safety of this product has not been confirmed, but there is not sufficient scientific evidence to have this product banned from the United States market or labeled as a prescription drug. This supplement should not be taken in combination with other blood thinners or SSRI’s and other forms of anti-depressants. Dangerous reactions may occur.

Diosmin is a natural ingredient found in plants. The active ingredient in this medicine is known as Flavanoid. Flavanoids are blood thinner so it should be with caution and doctor’s approval that you take this supplement. In many countries Diosmin is only available through prescription, but the FDA has only allowed it to be sold as an herbal supplement. It also has not put any restrictions on this supplement as there has not been solid evidence to show it to be grossly harmful to ones health.

Diosmin prolongs the vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine on the vein wall, increasing venous tone, and therefore reducing venous capacitance, distensibility, and stasis. This increases the venous return and reduces venous hyperpressure present in patients suffering from CVI.

Diosmin improves lymphatic drainage by increasing the frequency and intensity of lymphatic contractions, and by increasing the total number of functional lymphatic capillaries. Furthermore, diosmin with hesperidine decreases the diameter of lymphatic capillaries and the intralymphatic pressure.

At the microcirculation level, diosmin reduces capillary hyperpermeability and increases capillary resistance by protecting the microcirculation from damaging processes.

Diosmin reduces the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules (ICAM1, VCAM1), and inhibits the adhesion, migration, and activation of leukocytes at the capillary level. This leads to a reduction in the release of inflammatory mediators, principally oxygen free radicals and prostaglandins (PGE2, PGF2a).

Diosmin is distributed in the U.S. as a dietary supplement. The FDA concluded that there was inadequate evidence on which to base an expectation of safety. One company that markets diosmin supplements, Nutratech, has responded that diosmin can reasonably be expected to be safe on the basis of clinical trials, and has a long history of use in Europe. In the U.S., dietary supplements are regulated under Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, which does not require proof of efficacy so long as no specific health claims are made.

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